The 2nd Couch Stories Show
Oct 2012 at the Nelson Arts Festival - Granary Cafe, Founders Park
Theme of the Night: Travel - The Big O.E.

The impulse to leave home and see the world is almost universal. The storytellers in this show unpacked their unique travel experiences and told true stories of discovery, disaster, detours, and the delights of life on the road.
Thank you to Storytellers: Dan Allan, Dan Kendrick, Donna Ryan, Cliff Fell, Margaret Jackson, Matt Budd, Paul Jennings, Philippa Foes-Lamb, Sophie Ricketts, Theresa O’Connor, and Travis Mills.
Thank you to Storytellers: Dan Allan, Dan Kendrick, Donna Ryan, Cliff Fell, Margaret Jackson, Matt Budd, Paul Jennings, Philippa Foes-Lamb, Sophie Ricketts, Theresa O’Connor, and Travis Mills.